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How would you live in a utopia?

Seldom has the consensus in architecture and interior design been as great as it is now, thanks to uninspired furnishing magazines and herd-following Instagram influencers. But there were times when the living imagination went beyond Eames armchairs and Rams shelves…

It wasn’t just automotive design that was reinvented following the Second World War – architecture, too, experimented like never before from the 1950s to the 1980s. The book ‘Inside Utopia – Visionary Interiors and Futuristic Homes’, published by Gestalten, presents an inspiring cross-section of the most radical and unusual residential buildings from the second half of the 20th Century. The open floor plans and concrete structures in the mid-century style, mastered by architects such as Charles and Ray Eames and John Lautner, are still fascinating. The fact that function no longer always determines form is especially evident in post-modern living organisms such as the Palais Bulles by Antti Lovag or the geometric wonderland playgrounds of the Memphis Group. Anyone looking for a final reason to say goodbye to the native Ikea landscape should look no further than this 288-page tome.

Fotos: Gestalten 

The book ‘Inside Utopia’ can be found at Gestalten’s website.