F22 AG

Kontaktperson: Adrien Luc Elmiger
Bergün Filisur, Schweiz
F22 AG is a project that came to life and is driven by passion for vintage vehicles. Our main focus is on bicylces but one can find some motorized vehicles, as well as memorabilia, furniture or fine art prints. We also run a private museum opening it's gates on request. The venue can be rented for both private and corporate events, especially suitable for the mobility, sports and outdoor industry.

Artikel über F22 AG

Von Carbon-Bikes zu skurrilen Offroadern – dieser Schweizer Sammler konserviert Coolness von gestern

14 Objekte im Angebot

1949 Buick Roadmaster - SedanetteCHa.A.
Specialized Epic S.Works Ultimate, Ned Overend Final Edition No21/60CHCHF 11500
Firestone Emaille Schild XXLCHCHF 2800
2016 Land Rover Armoured - Defender CHa.A.
Columbia Lopro TT BikeCHCHF 5900
Martini Enamel Sign CHCHF 490
Martini Enamel Sign "VERMOUTH"CHCHF 350
Shell Enamel SignCHCHF 1890
Dean Road TitaniumCHCHF 4900
Snapping TurtleCHCHF 2400
LuciferoCHCHF 1800
Quattro HeckantriebCHCHF 1800
Miura LM400 (limited to 10 prints)CHCHF 1800
Colnago Arabesque RegalCHCHF 12800