1984 Citroen Visa
Prototype Dangel-
LenkungLenkung links
Anzahl der Türen2
Zahl der Sitze2
Leistung175 BHP / 178 PS / 131 kW
Racing car only
Non registered vehicle
Racing car
100% original factory prototype
Put back on the road by l'Aventure Peugeot
First-class performance
In 1984, it was spectacular, devilishly efficient and relatively simple design for greater reliability. 36 years later, the Citroën Visa Dangel prototype can be displayed in a museum but is also a real racing car with amazing performance. The story begins in 1980, when Guy Verrier joins Citroën Compétition as Sports Manager with the aim of taking part in the World Rally Championship. While the preparation of a prototype usually goes through the design offices, it will be decided to call on different independent team to compete and evaluate the best options on the ground. The boldness of some will lead to several radical transformations such as the rear mid-engine, propulsion or all-wheel drive in a manufacturer that is nevertheless a fan of front-wheel drive. In the reserves of the Peugeot Museum for many years, this unique model made by Dangel in collaboration with Citroën was certainly the most successful of the nine prototypes on offer. In 1983, Danielson, Politecnic, Strakit, but also Mathiot, Odinet, Mokrycki and even the British manufacturer Lotus proposed and tested their version of the Visa. Henry Dangel arrived with his own all-wheel drive system, a 175hp mid-engine PRV V6 with two triple carburetors and a 5-speed gearbox from the 604 range to better handle the torque. The feedback is very positive, especially as the quality of the whole package is perfectly in line with Citroën's expectations with a contained weight of only 800 kilos. Unfortunately, the year 1984 is approaching and the Visa is already six years old when the young BX is only two. The choice of the manufacturer will go for the BX for obvious strategic and commercial reasons. Put back on the road last June by the Aventure Peugeot, this unique model is a real race car, as much in its conception as in its performances. Symbol of a time when a talented independent mechanics could develop a potential world champion to shine the name of a manufacturer, it is a unique model in the world to be rediscovered!
This car will be sold by auction by AGUTTES Auction House, in Sochaux, at the Aventure Peugeot Museum, France, on September the 20th, 2020.
The digital catalog is available by the following link
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