A Singer 52 inch Ordinary bicycle, formerly the property of John William Evans
Lot number128
A Singer 52 inch Ordinary bicycle, formerly the property of John William Evans, painted black with traces of coach-lining, tapered spine with footrest, and remains of maker's transfer, sprung saddle pan with replaced cloth cover (worn), drop end handlebars with turned pear grips, simple sprung brake to driving wheel, opposed radial spoking to crescent rim, with solid black rubber tyre, pedals on adjustable cranks, the hub fitted with Lucas patent 2493 hub-lamp, the lens applied with Cyclists Touring Club transfer, 16 inch trailing wheel. Together with folding Ordinary stand, a bicycling map of England & Wales, a leather pouch, remains of saddle leather (in pieces), a rumble bell (lacking strap), a Victorian Cyclists Club cap, a medal presented to J.W.Evans, June 29th 1886, First Prize 10 Mile Handicap by the Chester Falcon Cycling Club, a photograph of J.W.Evans, and a photocopy of a publication depicting Evans with his Ordinary bicycle.