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Rankin Rolls-Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Exhibition in Los Angeles

Rankin Rolls-Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Exhibition in Los Angeles

In one of the final stages of the year-long celebration of the famous Spirit of Ecstasy’s 100th anniversary, Rolls-Royce and fashion photographer Rankin will hold an exhibition in Los Angeles. It will be the first time the works will be on display to the general public.

Incredibly, the British artist has now produced exactly 100 images celebrating the silver-coloured mascot commonly referred to as the ‘Flying Lady’. The exhibition at the Rankin Gallery (8070 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046) will show 80, with a further selection available to view at the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars stand at the Los Angeles Auto Show on 18 – 27 November.

While many of the images include models in the typical pose with outstretched arms, some explore the further reaches of ‘ecstasy’ itself, with an emphasis on colour, texture and untamed emotion.

Rankin Rolls-Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Exhibition in Los Angeles Rankin Rolls-Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Exhibition in Los Angeles
Rankin Rolls-Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Exhibition in Los Angeles Rankin Rolls-Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Exhibition in Los Angeles

For further information, visit

Text: Steve Wakefield
Photos: Rankin