A pleasant, low-key outing
This delightful ride was founded by Ted Young-Ing when he and a few fellow comrades decided to embark on a pleasant, low-key outing while wearing some of their best tweed glad rags, only to find an additional 250 people join them after posting their idea on social media sites.
The power of the pedal
Six years on and the rally shows no sign of suspending its pedaling power, as all 500 tickets for the event sold out in 90 seconds. The assembly of riders set off from the beautiful courtyard of Somerset House, donned in everything from flat caps to feather hats, and began its journey across the city. The tweed-clad group gained the attention of hundreds of tourists and commuters alike, the riders gladly smiling and waving at the bystanders.
Leave the Lycra at home
Pausing for a spot of tea along the way, the riders then merrily made their way to the lush greens of Russell Park where games and picnics were enjoyed and many simply basked in the welcomed warm May sun. Impressive handlebar moustaches were compared, hampers rich with food were abundant and a pleasant mix of vintage perfumes and cigars scented the park.
When asked their reason for joining the event, the general answer I received from the attendees was simply, "Who wouldn’t want to cycle around the middle of London dressed in tweed on bicycles older than my grandmother?" – and I can’t argue with that. The day was a wonderful success with countless cheers of ‘Tally-ho!” and not one inch of skin-tight Lycra to be seen.
Photos: © Amy Shore for Classic Driver